month | total steps | average steps per day | number of steps ahead of pace for the year |
January | 454200 | 14,652 | 144,200 |
February | 353400 | 12,621 | 217,600 |
March | 382500 | 12,339 | 290,100 |
April | 313900 | 10,463 | 304,000 |
May | 339100 | 10,939 | 333,100 |
June | 336800 | 11,227 | 369,900 |
July | 332600 | 10,729 | 392,500 |
August | 374900 | 12,094 | 457,400 |
Now we're talking! Some serious steps in there, despite not getting much walking in during the last few days. As of tonight, I only have 762,600 steps to go until I hit my 3,650,000 steps for the year! Clearly, I need to start figuring out what my average needs to be in order to hit 4 million steps for the year :D
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