Apparently this year is about me pushing out of my comfort zone - and hopefully the rest of the year will see my weight loss get back on track, and maybe even see me start teaching regularly somewhere... :)
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
U-JAM Fitness Instructor!
Hello, blogland! ;) Late last month, I completed all the steps to officially become a credentialed U-JAM Fitness Instructor! WOOHOO! I've written before about my love of U-JAM Fitness and I'm thrilled to join the instructor family. I've even taught my first class, but that was a one-time situation, filling in last-minute for someone who was injured. It was thrilling to get that first class out of the way though, and I realized that I have a LOT more to learn. :D
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Goals - September report

- Lose an average of one pound a week - wow, stunning fail here. Despite how bad the graph is overall, I'm actually only up 1.8 pounds for the month when you look at the trend. Of course, I was up about that last month too, so I have four pounds that have got to go, just to get back on track. Frustrating, for sure. I was out of town for a couple of days and that was the big spike which I still haven't recovered from yet. Ugh.
- Work out at least 20 times a month - almost met - 19! This was a tough month, and I felt poorly physically for a week (not coincidentally the week of that massive weight spike!), but I am glad that I nearly met this goal. ;)
- Cook one new (and healthy!) recipe a month - met. A couple of new crock pot recipes, but unfortunately I didn't like them so I won't be repeating them. ;)
- Make an effort to eat clean and healthy the majority of the time - fail. Honestly, I didn't eat a lot of crap, I just ate too much and on repeated occasions. So not a massive fail but clean eating doesn't mean unlimited clean eating. ;)
Man, September kicked my butt. I hate to have two bad months in a row. I'm higher now than I was three months ago even, which is miserable. Still 36 pounds less than a year ago, but c'mon... gotta kick it into gear. I have a free month of MyFitnessPal calling my name to start on Monday, and I really hope to make all that red go away for next month's graph.