(photo swiped from the lovely Fro-Yo Girl's blog - love her site!!)
I am a total tart frozen yogurt junkie - I am so delighted by all the shops opening up these days (but sadly none within walking distance of my house). I saw Ms. Fro-Yo Girl post about this new option at Trader Joe's, and I had to go pick it up today. LOVE IT! It's huge - a quart! - for $3.49! It's much cheaper than the Haagen-Dazs and I like Trader Joe's more as a company than H-D (where a "pint" no longer is a pint). Anyway, I tried some for dessert tonight and I'm very happy. It's a bit hard - or maybe that's just my freezer - but it's got a nice zip to it. I added some dark chocolate shavings to my glass and it was quite the tasty treat. I will definitely be stocking this baby in my freezer from now on! Thanks, TJ (and Fro-Yo Girl for the heads-up!)
Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 1/2 cup
Calories 110
Total Fat 0g
Saturated Fat 0g
Monounsaturated Fat 0g
Polyunsaturated Fat 0g
Trans Fat 0g
Cholesterol 5mg
Sodium 25mg
Total Carbohydrate 20g
Dietary Fiber 0g
Protein 1g
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
February stats
- 10,000 steps a day.
- 20,000 minutes of exercise throughout the year.
Steps pace: 280,000
Steps taken: 353,400
overall I'm 217,600 ahead of pace. In February, I was 126.21% of pace. Woo!
Minutes pace: 1540
Minutes exercised: 1878
overall I'm 1,018 minutes ahead of pace. I was 121.95% of pace in February.
My weight sucks though. Exact same weight February 1 as March 1. Physicsdiet.com's average weight trend shows a whopping loss of 0.2 pounds. To say I'm frustrated is an incredible understatement.
- 20,000 minutes of exercise throughout the year.
Steps pace: 280,000
Steps taken: 353,400
overall I'm 217,600 ahead of pace. In February, I was 126.21% of pace. Woo!
Minutes pace: 1540
Minutes exercised: 1878
overall I'm 1,018 minutes ahead of pace. I was 121.95% of pace in February.
My weight sucks though. Exact same weight February 1 as March 1. Physicsdiet.com's average weight trend shows a whopping loss of 0.2 pounds. To say I'm frustrated is an incredible understatement.