Looking at the straight numbers, I weighed exactly one pound more on 9/30 than I did on 9/1. Throughout the month, my weight ranged almost five pounds - two pounds higher than I ended to three pounds lower than I ended. Why? Stupid eating on a Wednesday night, followed by a weekend party and then my body just went kaput for a bit there on the weight. I had exactly the same weight for six days in a row, not varying with the amount of food or exercise those days. Weird.
My physicsdiet average *is* less than it was at the start of the month, by a whopping 0.5 pounds. ;)
I have re-calculated the number I need to hit to be at my goal weight by my birthday, and it's now 0.23 pounds a day - 1.6 pounds a week. Totally achievable, but I've got our anniversary coming up this month and we're going to get away for that weekend. Would love, LOVE love, to actually see the 180s at some point this year. If I can hit that 0.23 pounds a day, I'd hit 189.8 on Halloween.
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